FrontRo is a compact hybrid electrostatic loudspeaker that is designed and hand-built in England, using locally sourced materials and joinery, and embodies fresh design theory. After years of research and refinement, FrontRo uses the Oscillating sphere concept to radiate sound as uniformly as possible in all directions, like dropping a pebble in a pond. It immerses you in reflected sound as well as direct sound and thus creates a holographic sound image - unique amongst high-end speakers for the true audiophile.
The latest version features a new dynamic woofer with a powerful rare earth magnet for extended bass and an improved delay line for extra sparkle in the extreme treble.

David Price, StereoNET: “It possesses all the desirable traits of a great electrostatic – a superb, near translucent midband, super quick transients and no nasty boomy box sounds ….. you get an excellent sense of spatiality; it’s a truly expansive sound and not one that beams out at you”
David Price and Mike Evans, HiFi Riff: Watch their glowing review on YouTube here.
Janine Elliot, Hifi Pig: “The speakers produced a full and detailed sound. Turning to Saint Saens ‘Carnival of the Animals’, this has very spacious orchestration ably shown off by the FrontRo, the two pianos performing side by side centre stage…a highly 3D performance with pin-sharp top end and extended bass. The FrontRo was simply excellent in portraying the composer’s thoughts, working well at low level as well as loud. Birds and sea waves were equally real that my cat even pricked its ears to go hunting for game.”
Paul Messenger, Hi-Fi+: “The bass line was invariably crisp, clear and well defined….The vocal talents of Joplin were portrayed well on the FrontRo, suggesting a speaker of rare detail, vocal clarity and dynamic range…This is a loudspeaker with a distinct focus on sound that simply does the business, supplying good sound quality wherever one sits and outstanding quality if you listen in the sweet spot.“
Jess Marshall, Luxury Lifestyle Magazine: “(FrontRo) speakers are, an investment in music, an investment in entertainment, and an investment in interior design. For music lovers everywhere speakers don’t get much better, or more stylish than this.”
Jarone Ashkenazi, Upscale Living: “After five years of development paying meticulous detail to design and audio quality, FrontRo has positioned itself as possibly the world’s most luxurious electrostatic audio units.”